A quality work will be such if the different phases of assembly and installation are coordinated together and made in the respect of the preceding and following phase.
According to the customer demands we can make the following operations:
We can offer our assistance on the construction site to organize and to manage the preparatory phase in collaboration with the companies which realize the structural works. We supply technical drawings carefully studied with the customers and with the designers. We are expert on the survey of executive measures on the construction site to realize the products with precision, especially floorings, coverings and customized staircases.
Our professional intervention also consists in supporting the customer during the organization of the handling of the heavy and voluminous products to the final destination and also in considering possible limitations and structural problems in order to prevent surprises during the installation.
Generally, during the production of complicated works, we make a temporary dry pre-assembly, without adhesives, to control the conformity of the cuts, the combination and the joint of the single elements, to harmonize the manufacturing and the finishing on the intersection points and to verify overall the final result.
When possible, for convenience and to facilitate the following installation work, the elements are definitely assembled with the adhesives, so that they can be installed without further operations. Sometimes, otherwise, due to weight reasons, it is better to leave the different elements separated to prevent breaking risks during the transport and because they will be easier to handle when they will arrive to destination, where maybe the specific equipments to lift and to move them are not available. These are considerations taken from time to time in agreement with the customer, with the support of our knowledge and experience, according to the demands and to the conditions of the place where the work installation will be made.
For the installation we cooperate with a trusted personalized staff which has competence and experience from several years in the installation of our most complicated works both in Italy and abroad. We can take care of the installation of our products in complete autonomy, with the necessary staff, dealing with all the various phases or making available one single person which is able to carry out the installation with the help of manual laborers supplied on the spot to guarantee at the same time the supervision, the coordination and the works management.
We can supply consumer products, adhesives, silicone and various tools which are suitable for the installation. This optional service is made with competence using only products of guaranteed quality and brands known in the market.
On request, in order to take care and to guarantee the best result of the final work, Stefano Facchini supervises and intervenes during the preparatory and important phases of the installation and during the testing of our products, both in case where the installation is made by Arte 2000 and in case where it is made by companies provided by the customer.
In the last pictures you can see the main steps of one of our biggest project, the monumental Arlenia Fountain made with marble and precious metals.