The relationship between Arte 2000 and the customer is not concluded after the delivery of the work. Our staff assists the customers with attention and professionalism also after the sale. We remain at your disposal to combine new products to those already purchased, to renovate or to make the product maintenance.
We can satisfy every request of possible additions and/or modifications also after several years. We carefully save the archive of our realizations and we remember what we have produced thanks to a database of all the special products realized until 12 years after the delivery to the customer. The archive includes the used material, the finishing of the surface, the executive and planning drawings for the manufacturing and for the installation, and also every variation occurred during the process.
If this seems easy for a single product, it is more difficult for the monumental works or for the orders which are more complicated such as villas complete of bathrooms, staircases, floors, ornamental works for interior and exterior locations, sculptures and fireplaces.
We want to face, to manage and to solve any customer dissatisfaction. The customer has to be enthusiastic and rewarded by the fact that the work he has received is really what he had imagined. When a work is realized there are expected aspects for those who are in the trade but it is not the same for the customer so it is also for this reason that we give our support in the following phase, for example when possible changes are necessary or when there are new demands.
After the delivery, it is always a pleasure and an incentive the comparison with the customer to understand, with the approval of our work or with possible constructive criticism, new ideas and new incentives for the personal growth and for the professional improvement.
Being a natural material, the marble is destined to wear out over time, therefore it requires a maintenance more or less relevant according to the type of use to which it is intended. We guarantee our total assistance to suggest, to solve and to keep unchanged in time the beauty of the products.
We are pleased to receive from our customers the photos of our installed and located works in order to publish them in this website or in our social media profiles, indicating only the place or the country where they have been positioned, without references to personal names or villas, guaranteeing the anonymity with respect to the privacy. We can understand that often the customer is reserved towards a personal work, but it will be exciting and satisfying also for us to see the beauty of one of our completed sculpture in the context to which it has been intended.
We can take photos of the works only during the manufacturing and the installation, so when the location is still a construction site; often it is not possible to enter in the locations when they are not finished, above all when the works are made abroad or far away from our office.